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10 Day Weather

Two Series of Rains and Thunderstorms Expected Across Pakistan!

Weather enthusiasts, brace yourselves for 10 day weather ride as Pakistan gears up for not one but two series of rains accompanied by thunder and lightning across many areas of the country. Recent observations indicate severe weather conditions looming on the horizon, with heavy rains forecast for the coastal areas of Balochistan on Monday and Tuesday.

But wait, there’s more! Following this, starting Sunday the 18th, another series of rains is expected to sweep across Pakistan, making its grand entrance through Khyber Pakhtunkhwa (KPK). This forthcoming weather phenomenon is poised to bring much-needed rain to various regions, including Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Punjab, and Kashmir. However, alongside these anticipated showers, be prepared for torrential rains, thunderstorms, and severe weather conditions in the affected areas.

The weather forecast for the last Ashra (10 day weather) or the final week of February promises good rains. With optimism abounding, Pakistan is anticipated to witness a significant shift in weather patterns during this period. And as Ramzan approaches, rest assured that our 10 day weather forecast will inform you what to expect during this holy month. For a more detailed outlook on the weather during Ramadan and beyond, check out our seasonal forecast in the attached link.

So, fasten your seatbelts and stay tuned as we navigate these upcoming 10 day weather systems. With timely updates and preparedness, let’s weather the storm together and emerge stronger on the other side.

A shallow westerly wave is currently making its presence known over the western parts of Pakistan, and it’s poised to spread its influence across most regions within the next 24 hours. Here’s what to expect for 10 day weather:

10 day weather

Weather Today: Cold Snap Incoming

Prepare for mainly cold and dry weather conditions today across most of the country, with a chilly twist in the upper parts. However, keep an eye out for partly cloudy skies with the chance of rain, wind, and thunderstorms in isolated areas of southwestern Balochistan.

Weather Tomorrow: More of the Same, with a Twist

As the week begins, anticipate another round of mainly cold and dry situations for most regions for the next 10 days weather. However, brace yourselves for icy and cloudy weather conditions from tomorrow in the upper and western parts of the country. The southwestern regions of Balochistan weather will likely experience rain, wind, and thunderstorms again. Additionally, light rain is expected in isolated spots in Kashmir and nearby hilly areas. Don’t be surprised if you encounter shallow fog in some plains of northeast Punjab during the morning hours.

Recap of the Last 24 Hours: Chilly Vibes Abound

Cold and dry weather dominated most areas, with particularly frigid conditions in the northern parts. Here are some recorded lowest minimum temperatures: Leh at -13°C, Skardu at -09°C, Kalam at -08°C, and Astore at -07°C, among others. As for tonight, expect more cold and partly cloudy weather in Islamabad and its environs.

Regional Outlooks for 10 Day Weather: What’s in Store?

  • Balochistan: Sunday night brings cold and dry weather for most districts, with some cloud cover in the southwestern regions. However, be prepared for rain, wind, and thunderstorms in Pasni, Jiwani, Turbat, and Gawadar areas. Monday may see similar conditions, with the possibility of rain continuing in the southwestern districts.
  • Punjab: Anticipate cold and partly cloudy weather, with a chance of light rain in Murree weather, Galliyat weather, and surrounding areas. Shallow fog might appear in Narowal weather, Sheikhupura weather, Sialkot weather, Hafizabad weather, and Gujranwala weather.
  • Sindh: Cold and dry conditions are on the horizon, but there’s a chance of light rain or drizzle in Jamshoro, Karachi, and nearby areas.
  • Khyber Pakhtunkhwa: Mainly cold and partly cloudy weather prevails, with the upper districts experiencing very cold and cloudy conditions. Keep an umbrella handy, as light rain or drizzle may occur in Abbottabad weather, Mansehra, Balakot, and surrounding areas.
  • Gilgit-Baltistan and Kashmir: Expect very cold and cloudy weather, possibly light rain in Kashmir.

With this synoptic situation, staying updated on weather forecasts and preparing for the unpredictable twists and turns Mother Nature has in store is essential. Stay safe and warm!

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