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Co relation Analysis Between Sunspot Cycles & Corresponding Global Mean Temperatures


We evaluated past 6 solar cycles for there corresponding change in land ocean global mean temperature from 1947 to 2007 base line (1951-1980) from NASA website. Land temperature data taken NOAA GHCN  V. 4 (meteorological stations) and ERSST V. 5 (ocean areas). While sunspot annual mean taken from Bureau of Meteorology Australia website, available upto 2014.

Lets evaluate more min and max 1 by 1, the first min 2007-09 show 0.62 c above the base line, while solar max of 2000-02 show 0.52 c deviation from base line which mean this min was 0.1 c hotter then max of 2007-09. Rest you can see by yourself that only cycle C and E show some mild co relation with solar min and max and rest 4 cycles show warmer min compared to max.

Here on left there are three years of max and min sunspots, next is annual sunspot, on further right there is temperature departure from mean (1951-1980) of the corresponding year and at last there is mean of those 3 years.

Cycle A
2007=7.6        .67
2008=2.9        .55            .62
2009=3.1        . 66  
2000=119.6   . 40
2001=110.9   . 54        . 52
2002=104.1   . 63

Cycle B
1995=17.5       .45
1996=8.6         .33          . 41
1997=21.6      . 47
1989=157.6   . 27
1990=142.2   . 45           . 37
1991=145.8    . 41

Cycle C
1985=17.9      . 10 
1986=13.4      .18          . 19
1987=29.4      . 29
1979=155.4    .13
1980=154.6     .28         . 24
1981=140.8    . 31

Cycle D
1975=15.5       .10
1976=12.6       .12         . 14
1977=27.5       .19
1968=105.9     .07
1969=105.5     .02         . 05
1970=104.5    . 06

Cycle E
1963=27.9      -.05
1964=10.2      -.18       -. 12
1965=15.1      -.13
1956=141.7    -. 21
1957=190.2    . 03      -. 04
1958=184.8    . 07

Cycle F
1953=13.9        .07
1954=4.4         -.11      -. 06
1955=38          -. 13
1947=151.6    -. 04
1948=136.3    -. 10      -. 09
1949=134.7    -. 12

This small sample concludes that either 11 years sunspot cycles have no effect on global mean temperature or either the effect is so small that it gets shadowed under global warming. Although there is more investigation required on the matter, but our small sample of 6 cycles does not show any effect on global mean temperatures.

Mentioning recent cooling of South Asia by some peoples which is 5.2 million square km vs the world 510 million square km  1 % of the world and leaving 99% is irrational.

We also encourage ppl to carry out statistical analysis of entire picture and do share there result because more bias correction and evaluation by latest means may improve outcome.

Fahim Malik Dhurnal

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